
Here is a collection of code-based projects (études if you like). Performing/recording/using in some way? Please email me to let me know.

General instructions These pieces will require an internet connection to initially load. They tend to work better on larger displays, and don’t dynamically resize (so refresh if you change orientation or window size). Additional instructions are included in the pieces themselves, as necessary.

score Vignette #1 - A generative piece for any instrument (2018).

score How ought one live? - An open/generative score for solo voice based on an introduction to Deleuze. This could be performed in an improvisatory context with other instruments including electronics (2019).

score Concrete Squares - An interactive, visual, audio performance score/instrument/thing (2021).

score Blorbs - An interactive, visual, audio, thing that is a kind of variation on a theme of Concrete Squares. (2021)

visual Žižek Square - A square that quotes parts of a short paragraph from Žižek’s the Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) (2019).