List of Musical Works

This page contains a list of works by loose category. If the score is unavailable and you would like to get a copy, please email me.

I am available for commissions and collaboration, why not get in touch?

Solo ¶

Mesostics [2019-], solo voice. Dur: variable (currently six works).

How ought one live? [2019], solo voice (or with electronics). Dur: variable.

Differing Dialogues [2009/11], bass flute with CD. For Peter Sheridan. Dur: c. 4'40".
Score | Recording

Etude Microscopique [2010], solo bass flute. For Alice Bennett. Dur: c. 4'00".

a process, delicate and violent [2017], solo alto flute. Commissioned and for Eric Lamb. Dur: 9'00".

Six Figures Signifying Decay [2022]. Piano with electronics (non-performed). Dur: c. 6’. Please contact for electronics. Premiered by Brieley Cutting at the Australian Institute of Music, 2022. Score

silver as catalyst in organic reactions [2014-16], baroque violin. For Lizzy Welsh. Dur: c. 6'00".

Feeder [2016-17], any treble instrument. Dur: any. Dedicated to Alice Bennett.
Please email me about performing this as it is not yet premiered.

It needs a big ‘ow’ sound; ‘ow-nd’… ground! [2015-16], any low woodwind. Dur: c. 9'00".

Feeder [2016-17], any treble instrument. Dur: any. Dedicated to Alice Bennett.
Please email me about performing this as it is not yet premiered.

Duo ¶

Abandoned Space: A Portrait in Miniature [2013] Dur: 0'30".
Score | Recording (dissonArt ensemble)

Agitation [2014], Dur: 1'00".

Journeys [2010] Dur: 2'30".

Duet [2011] Dur: c.4'40". Score

Dead Dirt [2015] (structured improvisation). Dur: between 5’ and 30’.
Score / contact via email

A Moment on Cowrie Street [2016] (structured improvisation). Dur: c. 20’. Score / please contact via email.

The garden of rotten integer relationships [2013]. Dur: c. 1'30".

The 65th Day [2016]. Commissioned by Halfsound. Dur: c. 9'40".
Score: currently being edited for publication, please contact.

End to Reattain [2016] (structured improvisation). Dur: 20’.
Score | Recording (Giles/Welsh)

The Moth and the Flame [2023]. Dur: 9’. Under revision, please contact. Premiered at Newcastle Fringe Festival 2023 by Fragments Ensemble with Mark Oliveiro.

Trio ¶

The Gesture of Relationships and the Relationships of Gesture [2012-14]. For Alice Bennett. Dur: c. 12’.
Score: please email. Includes extractable duets: Agitation, Abandoned Space, The garden of rotten integer relationships

A Semblance of a Whole (a) [2015]. For Ochre Trio. Dur: c. 12’.
Score (note: requires additional electronic component for audio score, please email)

The Confession of Dr Faust [2012]. Dur: c. 7’.

Quartet ¶

Staatiline Maastik [2011]. Dur: c. 5’

Four Suits of Thirteen [2011]. Dur: c. 9’.

… of sediment…[2017]. Dur: 11'15".

Fragments [2010]. Dur: c. 6'30".
Score | Recording

Fantasie Australis [2011]. Dur: c. 4'00".
Score | Recording

> 4 players ¶

A Glimmer of Foresight [2012]. Dur: c. 7'30".

… In Dialogue… [2013]. Dur: 4'40".
Score (arrangement of Differing Dialogues)

Open Instrumentation ¶

Vignette #1 [2018]. Dur: any. Web-based score

6:12:18 [Dream] [2014]. Dur: any.

Mozart Variations [2013]. Dur: any.

Situation(s) [2014]. Dur: any.

Feeder [2016-17], any treble instrument. Dur: any. Dedicated to [Alice Bennett][11].
[Score (Max Patch)][12] Please email me about performing this as it is not yet premiered.

Improvisational contexts for various ensemble/solo configurations. Ongoing work exploring the potentials of algorithmic/mathematical structures and descriptions as a basis for structured improvisation. Provided below is the syntax as a work in progress, and the current state of the pieces. Renamed from “Logarithm” to “Thread” in 2020.

Score | Thread 1 | Thread 2 | Thread 3 | Thread 4 | Thread 5 | Thread 6 | Old Syntax Notes

Electroacoustic ¶

vgst1 [2019], fixed media. Dur: 7'13".

dictaphone music [2019], fixed media/electronic release. Dur: 28'29".

dictaphone music II [2019], fixed media/electronic release. Dur: 32'57".

perspectives [2019], fixed media/electronic release. Dur: 58'16".

Organelle 1 [2019], electronic release. Dur: 15'08".

Self Portrait 2018.1 [2018], fixed or interactive media: webcam, samples, MaxMSP. Dur: 17'05".

Correct Gopher Hoop Stop [2017], four to eight channel fixed media. Dur: 22’.
For Tilde New Music Festival, 2017.

Injection [2015], live electronics. Dur: 30’. Commissioned by Banyule City Council for the opening of Works on Paper, 2015, Hatch Contemporary Art Space.

Pause/Decay/Talk [2015], live electronics. Dur: 30’.
Commissioned by Banyule City Council for the opening of Works on Paper, 2015, Hatch Contemporary Art Space.

Blank:22k [2015], no-input-mixer and live-patching. Collaboration with David Jacob. Dur: 36'56".

A Semblance of a Whole (B) [2015], fixed media. Dur: 12’. Electroacoustic-only version of the same titled instrumental composition. Recording

Installation ¶

16 Perspectives [2018], eight-channel (4x space, 2x stereo headphone). Dur: 78'33".
Commissioned by Banyule City Council for Hatch Contemporary Art Space. Recording of Perspective 2, Excerpt

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc [2016], stereo installation. Dur: 73’.
For Love/City III festival, 2016.

Bits & Pieces [2016], site-specific smartphone installation. Dur: 7'40".
Commissioned by Melbourne Fringe Festival, for Auction Rooms cafe, 2016. Recording

Put Together to Present [2016], site-specific smartphone installation. Dur: 17'24".
Commissioned by Melbourne Fringe Festival, for Auction Rooms cafe, 2016. Recording

Let Me Count The Ways [2014], fixed-media for surface-exciting speakers. Dur: 18’.
Commissioned by the University of Melbourne for Julia St Creative Space, Portland, VIC, 2014, while artist-in-residence. Part of the larger project of the same name

The Great Unhearing [2014], fixed-media for surface-exciting speakers. Dur: 26’.
Troika exhibition, curated by Aneta Trajkoski, George Paton Gallery, 2014.

Heard/Unheard:Flux [2013], fixed-media four speakers in an outdoor space. Dur: 8:00'00".
Commissioned by the University of Melbourne in partnership with the Portland Upwelling Festival, 2013. Developed while artist-in-residence at the festival.

Winter [2012], fixed-media (federation bells, Birrarung Marr). Dur: 5'30". Recording (mockup)